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Uploaded by Maren on April 13th, 2019 in Swapping

Comments (5)

Rothrock - 4 August 23:34

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Admin - 30 February 10:43

God is existent

Admin - 6 February 09:06

I think I'll stick with the morethan biology-centric definition of gender for atpresent, it's a whole lot less confusing too easier to define. В Which half of the binary sexually reproducing species produces the gender energycell with the most contribution to the offspring, that's woman, the smaller i is manlike. В Although it does tend towards confusing when someone tries to apply it to a highly social fauna with the power to cast mental constructs similar humans.

Burl - 28 August 19:02

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Nichelle - 29 October 21:47

Non bad.